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Harmony Korine

Rok narození: 1973

Profese: scenárista, režisér

Země: USA

Harmony Korine

Americký kontroverzní umělec, scenárista a režisér. Ve svém díle s oblibou přichází se šokujícími tématy, která jsou často podávána v surreálném nebo jinak těžko pochopitelném balení. Do světa filmu vstoupil v devatenácti letech se scénářem ke snímku Kids. Po režisérském debutu Gummo následoval Julien Donkey-Boy a po dlouhé pauze poeticky laděný Mister Lonely, Trash Humpers a řada videoklipů. Autor se nevyhýbá žádnému oboru. Vyšla mu novela A Crack up at the Race Riots, podílel se, či sám vytvářel celou řadu performancí, instalací, výstav apod. Zdroj: csfd.cz

Publikace autora

A crack-up at the race riots

A crack-up at the race riots

Harmony Korine
172 stran

Originally published by Mainstreet/Doubleday in 1998, this debut novel from an underground filmmaker uses print, photographs, drawings, news clippings, handwriting, a poem, attempted diagrams, and clip art to enhance the text, which primarily tells of a race war that happens in Florida, where the Jewish people sit in trees, the black people are run by MC Hammer, and the white people are run by Vanilla Ice. Or as the author himself described it front of a national television audience, "I wanted to write the Great American Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Novel." In actuality, it is a collection of hard-luck stories, off-and-on-color jokes, script scraps, found letters, free rhymes, drug flashbacks, and other missing scenes, all exploring the world of show business with fingers prying in the cracks and feet set lightly in the black humors of the real world. With chapters about books found in Monty Clift's basement and Tupac Shakur's 10 favorite novels, and a set of 11 suicide notes with room included for the reader's signature, the book is a one-of-a-kind post-postmodern examination of the dangers of public life from a unique voice in independent culture, one that might make William S. Burroughs sigh and turn the page at least. [amazon.com]

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