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John Roberts

Profese: profesor

Země: Velká Británie

John Roberts

John Roberts učí umění a estetiku na univerzitě ve Wolverhamptonu. Mezi jehoknihy patří The Art of Interruption: Realism Photography and the Everyday, The Philistine Controversy, Philosophizing the Everyday, The Necessity of Errors. Také přispívá například do časopisů Oxford Art či Cabinet.

Publikace autora

Revolutionary time and the avant-garde

Revolutionary time and the avant-garde

John Roberts

Since the decidedly bleak beginning of the twenty-first century, art practice has become increasingly politicized. Yet few have put forward a sustained defence of this development. Revolutionary Time and the Avant-Garde is the first book to look at the legacy of the avant-garde in relation to the deepening crisis of contemporary capitalism. An invigorating revitalization of the Frankfurt School legacy, Roberts’s book defines and validates the avant-garde idea with an erudite acuity, providing a refined conceptual set of tools to engage critically with the most advanced art theorists of our day, such as Hal Foster, Andrew Benjamin, Alain Badiou, Jacques Rancière, Paolo Virno, Claire Bishop, Michael Hardt, and Toni Negri. [amazon.com]

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