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Michael Goodwin

Rok narození: 1966

Profese: novinář

Země: USA

Michael Goodwin

Michael Goodwin is a freelance writer who has always loved comics and history. His interest in history led him to an interest in the economic forces that underlie much of history, and he eventually started reading up on economics. In his initial reading, Mike thought he caught glimpses of a story, a story nobody seemed to be telling.

That idea was little more than a hunch at first, but as he immersed himself in the subject, Mike realized that there was in fact a story there, and that someone needed to tell the story in an accessible manner. He brought a stack of books to a small town in India, settled in, and started reading, researching, and writing. The result is this book.

Mike has spent several years in China as well as India; his previous efforts include interpreting Chinese, writing comedy, photography, disaster relief, dealing art (ineptly), and writing about medicine. Like many freelance writers, he lives in New York City with cats. Zdroj: http://economixcomix.com/about/

Realizováno za podpory:

Financováno EU
Ministerstvo kultury
Státní fond kinematografie
Kraj Vysočina
Dále spolupracujeme