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Pawel Wojtasik

Paweł Wojtasik (b. Łódź, Poland) creates poetic reflections on cultures and ecosystems in the form of short films and large-scale installations. His investigations into the overlooked corners of the environment have led him to pig farms, sewage treatment plants, wrecking yards and autopsy rooms. Wojtasik received an MFA from Yale University. From 1998 until 2000 he was a resident at Dai Bosatsu Zendo Buddhist monastery. His work has been shown at festivals such as Berlinale, New York Film Festival, and Hong Kong International Film Festival where his film Pigs won the grand Prize in the short film category in 2011. Wojtasik was a featured filmmaker in the 2009 Flaherty Film Seminar. His installation work includes the immersive 360° Below Sea level, about post-Katrina New Orleans, exhibited at MASS MoCA and included in Prospect.2 Biennial; as well as Single Stream, shown at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York. The cinema version of Single Stream was presented at the 2014 Whitney Biennial and at Ann Arbor Film Festival. Source: www.pawelwojtasik.com

Výpis filmů autora

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Pawel Wojtasik / Spojené státy / 2010 / 7 min. 45 sec.

FilmZVÍŘATA, zaměřený na životní projevy prasat, se stává metaforou lidského chování v rozpětí mezi rozumem a citem, materialismem a idealismem. Pro film s dlouhými pohledy živého masa určeného k lidskému hodování platí slova Winstona Churchilla, že prasata na nás pohlížejí jako na sobě rovné, i Rilkova prosba, abychom se na svět naučili dívat očima zvířat.

Realizováno za podpory:

Spolufinancováno EU
Ministerstvo kultury
Státní fond kinematografie
Kraj Vysočina
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